The LIGHT Quantum Awards in Optics and Laser Science
To recognize outstanding contributions to basic research which uses Optics and Lasers Physics to advance our knowledge of the fundamental physical properties of atoms, molecules, and materials and their interaction with light. Examples of relevant areas of research are: Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics, Ultrafast Phenomena, Laser Spectroscopy, Squeezed States, Multiphoton Physics, Laser Cooling and Trapping, Physics of Lasers, Particle Acceleration by Lasers, and Extreme Ultraviolet and X-Ray Lasers.

Annual Awards
The local OSA Student Chapter awards three prizes to graduate students each year for significant contribution in the field of Optics.
Postdoctoral Scholars are also eligible.
Light Quantum Prize
A Ph.D. student award. For discovery or invention in the field of the Science of Light.
Townes-Basov-Prokhorov Prize
A Ph.D. student award. For theoretical work in the field of the Science of Light.
Maiman Prize
A Ph.D. student award. For experimental work in the field of the Science of Light.

The LIGHT Quantum Team

Tenio Popmintchev
LIGHT QUANTUM Student Chapter Liaison
Professor of Physics, Atomic, Molecular, Optical Physics, at Physics Department, University of California San Diego. Liaison of the OSA Student Chapter.
Interests: X-ray Science, Laser Physics, Extreme Nonlinear Optics, Attosecond Science, Ultrafast Coherent Diffractive Imaging.
Physics Department. Mayer Hall Building.
Popmintchev LABS -

Ph.D. Student - Physics
Siyang Wang
LIGHT QUANTUM Student Chapter President
PhD candidate in Atomic, Molecular, Optical Physics.
Physics Department. Mayer Hall Building.
Popmintchev LABS -

B.Sc. Student - Physics
Ziyi Zhao
LIGHT QUANTUM Student Chapter Treasurer
BSc candidate in Physics.
Physics Department. Mayer Hall Building.
Popmintchev LABS -
B.Sc. Student - Physics
Fangjie Zhou
Student Member
B.Sc. Student - Physics
Nicholas Molina
Student Member
Ph.D. Student - Electrical Engineering
Vidya Premkumar
Student Member
Ph.D. Student - Electrical Engineering
Jie Zhao
Student Member
B.Sc. Student - Physics
Lu Chai
Student Member
B.Sc. Student - Bioengineering
Shawn Azzu
Student Member
B.Sc. Student - Astrophysics
Indalecio Perez
Student Member
Ph.D. - Physics
Dimitar Popmintchev